Monday 13 May 2013

Insert Obligatory First Post Here

Soooo hi there! This is going to be a private blog just for myself and my kitten, at least for now. It may or may not be made public any time in the near or far future. I just like writing my thoughts out as if to some third party at times. [Edit: kitten has informed me that she has no issue with this blog becoming public, so here we go! Public away! Who knows if anyone will read other than a friend but hey, it's out there for anyone who wants to see. Kinda scary :o But also exciting. :3]

Maybe I should capitalise those "my"s and such but to be completely honest I do not consider myself to be above anyone else much less my kitten. For a time I even trained myself out of using the English capitalised "I" because I hate how it is so self-centric. However the little niggling grammar-nazi in me looks and goes "Nein! Das ist nicht gut! Das ist falsch!" (I took German in the fourth grade, as well as in high school. Of course meine grammatik-nazi spricht Deutsch. However, admittedly, that part of me hates the centrism of the capitalised I and prefers the German "ich", as well.)

Aaanyways, back to the point! This is just the obligatory first post blah blah blah.

My kitten hates having to do/make introductions (or rather, "about me" sections, which are fairly similar, so mleh :P) so she shan't have to do her own. Mostly, she is just my beloved, precious, treasured pet. I adore and love and cherish her. We have a D/s relationship. Some might see us as M/s but she is not my slave, she is my pet. Many would say there is no difference. I disagree. But the difference is something I cannot easily explain, so, it's whatever.

There is also a fairly noticeable switchy component to our relationship. I am not mentally stable all the time, and unfortunately my kitten has to deal with most of my issues. At the same time though I do try to support her as best as I can and see to her needs, as well as making sure to deal with her issues and help her grow and learn and become who I know she can be. She does not Dominate me and I do not submit to her, however she has every right to tell me I am wrong and why I am wrong, she has every right to put her foot down and say "fuck no" (within reason), and she maintains her own free will. I listen to her advice and I listen to her when she informs me that I am not taking care of myself and am thus being a hypocrite because I expect her to take care of herself. I listen to her when she tells me I need to tell her things, or to calm the fuck down.

However, she belongs to me - completely. I don't care if she plays with someone else, it is just play. Her heart is mine. She submits to me willingly, and in return I give her the domination she desires and needs. I am in control of her. This part is coming along surprisingly quickly; for a very long time we were only sexually D/s and I had no idea she wanted - or, rather, needed - the other side, the 24/7 side more than the sexual side. As I have previously been a submissive in an abusive and neglectful M/s relationship before, fearing that I will or would or could travel into those realms held me back a lot until I finally found that out. Not to say that the sexual side no longer exists, but a balance is being sought out and found. I am learning that I can take control without going too far. And learning that she will immediately tell me when I have gone to far or am heading down that path.

As well, I belong to her, and although that side of the dynamic is more complex, she is still the first in my heart and will be forevermore.

Our relationship is long distance. She lives in England and I in the US. Hopefully I will be moving over there in the span of a few years. Even more hopefully she will be coming to visit me in a year or so. Surprisingly enough this hinders our relationship to less extent than one would imagine, especially with such things as Skype, Gtalk, Dropbox, Google drive, and the like.

Either way, I am taking more control, allowing time for both our needs, and hopefully fulfilling my precious, sweet little kitten's hopes, dreams, and needs. I suppose that's all there is to be said. This blog will probably not centre around D/s but it might. It might be filled with a plethora of things. Who knows. Certainly not I for I know but little; I love thee my kitten, with my entire being.


  1. Wonderful intro Mistress, I love you.

  2. Mmmm I love you too, kitten! <3 I'm glad you are willing to do this with and for me <3

    -kisses and pets- My lovely Maxie kitten <3
