Sunday 5 January 2014


Counselling appointment last week went well. My counsellor is proud of me and thinks I am making good progress. I filled out some of my CBT forms and he said it was very clear that I am putting a lot of effort into my therapy and he is glad that I'm trying so hard.

This week I have case manager and an appointment with my new pdoc. Nervous about both things for some reason. The new pdoc I can understand but not so much the case manager because even though I haven't gotten the goal done I have legitimate reasons for it. So idk. On that note, my medicine has been working wonderfully and I haven't had to up the dosage of my xanax again so far, and I haven't been experiencing unpleasant side effects for any of my medicine and I've not been missing doses of the meds I take regularly. So YAY!

My kitten has exams this coming two weeks and also a paper due shortly after the last exam. This is actually great timing for us getting back into the swing of things! When we first started veering more towards 24/7 it had a lot to do with her schooling and study schedules and such, so this is familiar territory for both of us and I am getting the hang of it again. It's different to what she had to do in college, but not too much different. It might be weird but I feel most comfortable with punishment as a part of our dynamic - not physical punishment very often; mostly things like being banned from games or telly, being ignored, having to write lines, etc. Sometimes I'll make her flick herself in an unpleasant way to discourage a negative behaviour but it doesn't happen very often.

As far as other things go, the sexual side of things is going well I think. I am trying to find a balance between enough sex and not too much or too little. Though I think for my kitten it is a rare day when there is "too much", but still. Some days I'm just not in the mood when she is and it leaves us unbalanced. I think it's a carryover from being aysec for that month and a half or so. I'm still getting my libido back and some days it just blanks out. But I think so far I've done a good job of making sure her needs and wants are met to the best of my ability.

So, progress! Things are going much better than they were a month ago. :)

Oh yes, The Watch has been used several times since the last post even going as far as two days between uses and not having to use the script to retrain the trigger, but we haven't had a chance to use it in several days so I have a suspicion that next time I'll have to retrain the trigger. We'll see though, I suppose I'll have to write another post about it once I get the chance to use it on kitten. ^_~

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