Well, lotsa shit is goin down in my life lately and I am officially a busy, busy bee. Peer Support, SSI trials, family stupidity, getting ready for kitten to visit me...
Oh, I don't know that I've mentioned that yet.
There, big news over, we can all go home.
Oooor maybe not.
luna was out yesterday, and I think she did well considering the circumstances. We're going to try to switch more often now I think. I call Maxie by Rachel mostly now, so her new label in the labels will be Rachelkitten rather than Maxiekitten, unless she asks me to keep it as Maxie just on our blog, in which case I will do.
I'm back in place; on a higher dose of my ap medicine, geodon, which I really fucking adore. I love it. A lot. Like, seriously seriously a LOT. It's amazing. I was so worried about it and I love it.
Peer Support is three days a week for me but it'll become more than that rather soon I believe, although I'll be trying to not do that too often because when Rachel is here I'll only be going one or two days a week because of wanting to spend time with her. I wouldn't go at all only that's not conducive to my therapy and I have classes I am in that will still be going on when I am there and I don't want to miss them.
I got onto SSI Disability! It took only three months, I was accepted immediately as being "severely disabled". Their words, not mine. Soooo yeah. That was a shocker and I had to review my entire worldview and scratch out some of the abuse that my dad gave me over things all being in my head and shit like that, and realise that they aren't, I'm just disabled, and there is nothing wrong with that.
My dad and mema think I'm self-diagnosing and I finally said, enough of that shit, I don't fucking care what they think. It was refreshing and necessary.
Much news, little time to post it! I'll be trying to post once every week or two now though, and to make Rachel post that often too.
Ta ta!